Joy Ride 2 Dead Ahead

While driving to Las Vegas for the bachelor party of her sister Melissa and her fiance Bobby, Kayla stops the car at a gas station to meet her date, N ..
Starring:Nicki Aycox, Nick Zano, Kyle Schmid
Creators:Louis Morneau, Ingrid Kenning
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"Joy Ride 2 Dead Ahead" ... While driving to Las Vegas for the bachelor party of her sister Melissa and her fiance Bobby, Kayla stops the car at a gas station to meet her date, Nik, a guy she met on the internet. Nik convinces her to take a secondary road under the protest of Bobby but the car breaks down. They find a house in the middle of nowhere and decide to take the car parked in the house's garage to the next city....

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Joy Ride 2 Dead Ahead

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Joy Ride 2 Dead Ahead

Joy Ride 2 Dead Ahead

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Release Date
Crime, Thriller, Horror
Added in
March 25, 2024
Nicki Aycox Nick Zano Kyle Schmid Daniel Boileau Laura Jordan

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